Thursday, December 29, 2011

Interesting in 2011 and another chance in 2012 :)

Just felt 2011 started and now it has come to the end and all of us are going to say Goodbye to 2011 and we going to welcome with lots of smile and new hopes, the new year 2012!!!

I ask myself what I have done through out 2011...hmmm I deeply feel that this year had taught me lot and I had went through lots of ups and downs by my own and seriously when I look back, I can confidently smile and say "yes I had achieved a lot!" and I proud of myself and to see myself now :). Thanks to all that contributed and supported me directly and indirectly. I praise God for giving me the courage to survive and struggle out with achievements no matter in my personal life and also in my work/career.

The first 7 months was a tough month for me, at work and also in my personal life. but when now I look back, its like a great relieve for me..MQA Audit was killing me one side, the pressure given by my boss was at the max till have experience crying in the meeting for the words that he used to scold me in front of every one! that is really a bad experience that I really went  through  all alone.. but I had good support form my colleagues that really had made me stand longer there.....besides that, at the same time I was not very well, as my health wise, and that was really worrying me, where I had to undergo an operation during the same time.... emotionally I was terribly down and with the amount of work that I have to carry was really pressing me...and of all, I was in midst of completing my Masters! my supervisor was just like chasing me after and after for my thesis, and I was like travelling up and down almost every weekend.... SCM Night 2011 as the main advisor, I was like running here and there for the activities, advising students for the event.. but good thing is I had a bunch of hardworking students that I can really rely on, but still it was all under my care and the trust and expectation that my boss had on me was as high as the sky! handling an event in the 5 stars hotel is not that easy as saying....besides that handling students management, class management, staff management and etc etc was just on my head....

After the 7th month, it was bit of relieve and I wanted or supposed to leave SCM and to venture in a different area or I would say to work in a different college/university, which that was my main aim...but things change terribly when I was kept there back and being promoted as the Coordinator now...I wonder how long would it last?? will see how more in 2012...I really hope things will get much much better in 2012 with the new presence in my life and new new changes in my life :). I would just like to smile now........

Another happiness that I went through was my Graduation :). I really had a good time and blessings from God and parents.. I thanked them for all the effort and support given, there is where I am now.. Obviously, I will not further my studies anymore but to think of settling down soon with the one that captured my heart :).. I would again like to leave with a smile :). 

This are the main interesting part in my life in 2011...I wish to look forward for more and more good and positive surprises in 2012....and I would welcome 2012 with lots of smile smile smile and not forgetting thank you 2011 :)

Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right in 2012!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lovers and Friends...

Lovers fight, And also do friends..But lovers kiss and make up but friends make up only...When lovers don't make up, usually they just cool it off and find it hard to be same again. When friends don't make up, its the most difficult feeling in the world so they make up eventually...

Lovers gets jealous. And also do friends...but lovers gets jealous because they demand commitment.. Friends gets jealous because they demand attention. But when lovers gets jealous, they really look seriously. When friends gets jealous, they look funny! Lovers gives each other gifts, And also do friends. When lovers do this, its by natural but when friends gives each other gifts, its sweet!

Lovers make each other happy. And also do friends..They hang out, call one another, talk, yell, encourage when the other one is down, sing, dance, and eat together. They share secrets, dreams, and take care of each other.But lovers expect these from one another. Friends expect these from others too but get from each other instead. 

Lovers can be complicated. And so do friends. But lovers try very hard to adjust with one another. Friends just stay as what they are and don't give a damn whether they are nuts or freaks or stupid people. Because friends are not tuned-off, they only laugh. Lovers freak out when you forget birthdays. And also do friends.. But lovers wouldn't forgive until they forget. Friends wouldn't forget until an hour after when they receive a little bar of chocolate with a cheap card. Lovers really love each other. And also do friends. But lovers either gets married or break up. Friends either stay friends or nothing at all. 

Both are essentially sweet and meaningful relationship to treasure! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fun with Mehandi

Shakespeare had once said "Whats in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet"

The same holds true for henna...Henna is famously known in the Middle East and now in western part of the world is well known as Mehendi (Mehandi) in most part in India, but I wouldnt be surprised is there is at least half a dozen names created for Mehandi...

But no matter what the purpose of application is the same irrespective of culture. It is among many other things, ultimately the expression, celebrations, the dance of exultation, and the inclusion of change (and possible the uncertainty) in life...

I am really taken off by the design of henna....As today, there are different patterns that comes under the main categories which be mixed and matched. Arabic, Marwadi, Indian and outlines are the major and well known categories. While the Arabic designs comprises huge flowers and leaves, the Marwadi designs are thin patterns where the entire hand is filled without a single gap. The basic Indian designs comprises kalash (a vase , normally depicted as being covered with mango leaves), doli ( a palanquin), peacocks, and kanguras ( mangi seeds) and etc. 

In my personal life, i really love to have Mehendi on my hands and feet...hmmm just waiting for the right time....its not necessary to be drew during weddings but any occasions it will do...but for me, I am bit particualry where i only want it for my wedding as it will be more special to be looked at the first time! haha...
I will love to have the Indian designs or the Marwadi designs on me... I wish to have a pretty Mehendi and to be reddish as it portrays the love of future husband...(thats what the old folks say, so i just follow). I have several collections of Mehendi where i love to see on me soon :). 
Indian design

Arabic Design
Arabic design
on the feet and hands
Marwadi Design

I wish to share more soon! hope this piece of writing found interesting.....till then stay tune! ;)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Celebrations keeps me lively :).

It has been quite some times after my break that I have came back to update....yeah! after holidays in Singapore it was just when the next break will come...huhu....its too much i guess! I was so excited spending the time with family and the best part is travelling at late night! it was almost 12am we reached Singapore, and nothing much I could spare my eyes looking at things as it was dark and very late heavy rain didn't stop all the way....admiring the night, rain and pleasant journey had gave me a good rest for my head and mind as well :).. 

The best ever was, meeting my second brother in Singapore...hmmm it has been quite some time we had met him, mum was the happiest person was so touch to see mother and son hugging and only tears of joy could explain all the meanings....even thou it was very late night we met, and it was just infornt of the Singapore MRT station...had the opportunity to admire such a long MRT, it was really long...have a look side here....  
and ya about the meeting my brother was a short period but it was a memorable one for all of us....only thing my dad was not around as we left him in Melaka...haha....he doesnt want to travel as that was the only day for dad to rest and enjoy moments at home with his tv programmes with his chill beer ;). 

Moments started heated when we enter the Tekka Road and no words that i could describe it was amazingly beautifully decorated with so many colorful lights and it was juts glittering and dazzling here and there....i would say, the Indian society had really spent so much time and effort in beautifying the road...police and guards were everywhere and all were under control....with the colorful and beautiful moments, there were something not so nice to look or admire....yeah! we did discovered that! labor workers from India made the whole situation a mess and these what will happen every year where they will be given the one day freedom to enjoy, to be drunk, to dance, to play around, to sleep where ever they want and even to fight around...and that's the only day the guards and police will close both eyes by not bothering....I was scared and holding my cousin's hand very close and tight as just scared they might just fall on me and the way they were staring like never see people for years! but thanked God nothing happen...

We get in the Bazzar at 1.30am, shop till 3.00am....very beautiful sets of Punjabi suits, sets, bangles, colorful cloths and etc can be seen and found here.. the best part is, there will be bargaining sessions with the customers with the seller, and trust me, the items there can be bought at a very cheap price and even after converting to our currency, its still consider CHEAP! what else! i bought a few suits and bangles for me and my sister....hope she will like it when i see her ;)...oh ya, i love bangles! 

It was a very good experience getting things for myself after so so so long..I am not a person that buys always, but when i need i will surely get what i want...and as conclusion, I am done with my Christmas shopping! i got a pair of a pretty shoes from the Times Square the other day when i travel with my students and now I just need to sew 2 suits of Punjabi suits for Christmas eve and New Year!! and this time I am not tying sari as usual i do as mum say, its a waste i am buying a sari as i dont really tie it! so i agree with her :D. 

Back to square one, when the next day you are back to office and back to normal schedule of work around! but the Deepavali feeling was not over that was continued in my college, in SCM...and ya i really had a great great time especially in the singing competition hearing the non Indians singing Tamil and Hindi songs...I was the judge for it and Oh my God! i was laughing and laughing as it has been that long i had laugh like of my student, Chang Zhan Peng, sang till I almost got choked and tears till my tissue wet! haha...he was so cute and brave enough to go in front and sing  for a unknown song! bravo Zhan Peng! another student, Lily Goh sang a Tamil song that i liked very much! her pronunciation was accurate and a little more practice it can be perfect....well done, all students! 
I am proud of all of you and well done to the ICS club for organising such event especially on Deepavali Nite (4 November 2011) with a colorful mixed events and mesmerizing decorations!  I just admire the Lord Vinayagar statue!

Now I am just looking forward for more and more celebration especially in December where it is gonna be a double celebration for me! my Master's graduation and Christmas!!! not forgetting my own DCA students graduation in few days time! so much of celebration hope makes me more lively, look younger and continually to look at things positively and for now bye from me! :). 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Great times, Great moments and Great experience

It has been quite sometimes to have a good break for myself...being caught up with many things around and especially when you have unsettled work around, you will not feel comfortable and settled! thats what i have going through and its still there!

Looking at the huge and dramatically shift in my job and responsibilities, i was given the opportunity to attend a conference in Sunway Pyramid Convention Center for two days from 19 Oct to 20 Oct 2011... it was an informative conference and the best part is the conference was officiate by Datuk Mukhriz Tun Mahathir.. He is an intelligent minister just like his father. Ms Zuraika, Malar and myself had the opportunity to take a picture with him were able to talk a while where others did not have the chance..hahahaha...coming back to the conference, there were 12 experience speakers from various field.. The main reason of this conference is to have a good measurement on the mindset of employees and to accept change in the organisation so that it can bring innovative ideas and change to the employees for not only development of the company but its for the country knowing Malaysia has to improve in their GDP and economic growth where we are not really showing growing and development except for socialising! haha

Having a long sessions there, of course the food provided was too many for people like me to consume as im not a good eater! but these days, I was like eating eating and eating...well, one way of reducing stress without realising :). After attending the formal part, we do pamper ourselves by having a great time in the Mid valley at night...the best part that we were enjoying, taking photographs here and there, furthermore with the glitters around here and there, Deepavali decorations were so fascinating, and glittering every was just creating a mood for another break and to visit friends during the day! I was really taken away with the Kolam decoration there, i wonder how long it has taken for the creator to design such a sweet and colorful Kolam, im just speechless... well done for those who had put in their effort and courage - all are innovation and creativity :).  

We had good time after the conference (the last day), where we had spent little time in Sunway Pyramid Shopping, again with lots and lots photographs as remembrance as we wont know when will the other day comes.. Even though it was a weekdays, the place were filled with so many people, and i just wonder "they dont work tomorrow"? There were people skating and it was so funny looking at them skating and falling..and i know its not easy..the best part is, tamil songs were played all way, is that 1 Malaysia? hmmm what ever but it was nice and awesome....really enjoyed that moment even thought I was so tired as did not have good sleep.... 

Its always that many people, when they go out of office, they will feel relieve in so many things but when they have to go back, its like "oh no" time really flies...same goes to me, time really flies during the 2 days and i really had good valuable time with colleagues and  special dates even its awhile but it really meant so much to gets back to normal when you step into your office and its all back to square one..... and when you back after the break, you will find there are so many things on your table... 

I had another different good moments with my students today where they carried out with stalls selling lots of different items and varieties of food putting in lots of effort which i feel personally its a good experience for students to develop their talent and entrepreneur skills yet i wouldnt say that its all are perfect, there are few hiccups here and there, but I looked at it can be improved... but at the same time it is very difficult to pleased everyone to our side...hmmm things has to change, the mindset of human has to be developed by looking things positively and to encourage but not to pin point or demotivate others who had put in lots of effort!but no point voicing out as it will never change even we talk about change and innovation!!

Another experience that I am going to go through just a few hours time, by bringing some students for a trip to KL tomorrow...I am just tired of things come one after another....cant wait for the short break to pamper and to chill myself with my cousins in Singapore next week!!..i just hope that i can really shop and shop and get what i want there in Singapore as its also going to be my advance Christmas shopping!! :)

I am very sure that i will update more after Deepavali with another new just stay tune with me!

Wishing all my friends, a blessed festive of lights, with Life filled with bright lights! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fulfilling a Happy Relationship

Finding someone to be in a relationship is actually quite easy. Finding someone to be in a relationship that actually fulfills us, however, is a different story. So how do we find a relationship that truly fulfills our needs and desires? Setting our priorities straight and having realistic expectations will help guide us into the right direction in finding the relationship we have always wanted. Before we can do that though, we need to make sure that we feel fulfilled on our own first.
So many people ended up in relationships that do not fulfill them because they are entering the relationship with the wrong expectations and for the wrong reasons. A big example of this is someone entering a relationship as a way to feel complete. Many people feel unsatisfied with themselves and their lives, and believe that someone else will be able to fill in that gap for them. Placing the responsibility for our happiness on someone else is unrealistic and will only result in disappointments in the relationship. We also need to acknowledge and accept the fact that there is no such thing as the perfect relationship and that there will be issues that will require teamwork and compromise.
Most people have the idea that if a relationship is truly happy and meant to be, then there never will be any problems and should not require so much work- it should just be happy. Well, if this is how we view relationships, then it is time to change our way of thinking before we set our self up for more painful reality checks. If we are interested in finding a person to build a strong romantic relationship with, the best thing to do would be to start by focusing on our self first- and make sure that we are having our life sorted out, before deciding to share it with someone else. Majority of people would read this say of course, it's common sense and while this may true, people still enter relationship with unrealistic expectation, wrong reasons or before making sure they are fulfilled on their own first.
So if we feel we are ready to be in a serious, committed relationship, do self a favor and take it one step at a time. Review the relationship we have first and make sure that we are truly happy with it and where we stand currently in our life. Ask our self why we feel the need to be in a relationship, what we are prepared to invest into it, as well as what we are expecting from our partner. Sorting this out will help us understand our relationship goals and will help us understand what it is our need to look for in a person when trying to find a romantic partner to share our life with.

To love is nothing, to be loved is something, to love and to be loved is everything in a relationshipJ.
Leaving with a meaningful smile J

Friday, October 7, 2011

My dear October ;)

September just over and October just entered...left another 2 more months and thats it! goodbye 2011...time really really flies ya!!...i just wonder, what i have done for the past 10 months! haha...hmmm lots lots of things came in and went out, i just look at it positively, and just a smile, moving on with confident...

I only look at things thats worth of looking otherwise, why waste time and energy??...lots of precious things came in but it just wipe off away...but i believe that whatever had happened, its all has its own good and reasons!

Im keeping myself very occupied and lots of work i had to do to make sure that i am really well organised to accept and carry my task and responsibility, just hoping that i dont disappoint anyone that had put in high hope on me...oh God, give me the strength to work harder and protect me from all danger :).

When new things comes in, new people also do come in our lives.. i can only say, im positive and hoping that all will move on smooth and smooth.....well, just need to be a little more patient and courage to make things work out! :).

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New things..New hope...New changes :)

When we look at our self, we want the best and thats satisfy us with lots of smile and happiness with it! well, i am going through all the new things, new hope and new changes in me, that im receiving it with a open and wide wide heart!

i really hope i am able to face and accept the best in my life and this is time no turning back and i am going to walk forward... all i need is courage and strength to do!

Leaving with a smile :).

Monday, September 5, 2011


Welcoming the month of September with lots of smile and hoping it will be an awesome month for me and also to all... lots happen in the month of August, arrgghh just dont wan to mention it! it had moved like the passing clouds..hmmm..lets see whether the month of September will be as sweet and colorful just like this lollipops.. :)..

Even though I am hoping that the month will be good and great one, a little worries and sadness always around me, but I keep myself occupied and as usual, SMILE is my weapon to make sure that I am ok so that people around me, dont feel sad and disturbed because of me.... Well, thats always I pray and hope not to make others sad nor hurt them with the way I am...

Just feeling bit down lately, a bit only....felt that, whatever i want, looks like i dont get..
Just want things to be better and a little happiness given so that I could maintain my smile each day....
Signing off for the month of September ;). 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lots of Work

After 6 months of hard work, left only 1 week exactly for SCM Night 2011! an event that all looking for, performance, excitement and etc be shown on that night in EQ...

The students together with me and others are really working very hard and looking forward for a successful night that day....

keeping my fingers cross so that all will turn out very well :), god will help us !

Friday, June 24, 2011

After a long gap

It has been almost 2 months ive been not actively writing in my blog...time really flies....and really occupied and tied up with lots lots of work.....yeah, handling over the job to another person is not that easy as could say....ooopsss, my friends here wouldnt know whats all about! why handling job and so on....yeah, i will be leaving SCM end of next month as i feel it is time for me to move on with my career....but i love this place so much, loving people around and of all my dearest students! i love all of them very much! sigh, but i really got to move on!

New job offered? oh, havent....hehe.....still looking, looking and looking...i havent put my mind and my heart into it as for time being i am very very busy with SCM Night 2011 that will held in EQ on the 8th July 2011....this will be my very last project with the help and support of the student council members and the management, really hoping that night will turn out to be one of the best night ever with the theme - 
Past Present Future!

Just hoping things will turn out very well.....and especially the opening act that i will also performing.......surprise.... Asmaradana......

Stay tune for more and more news!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Smiling widely :)

After so long, now i got the time to write in my blog! time really flies!.. things are good with me at the moment...MQA audit completed smoothly without any problem, of all i have submitted my master project! that's the biggest relieve i had now! now i can concentrate fully in my work and also in my future advancement....

When i say, things are good with, it really brings meaning! after many years i had patched back with a good friend! we were close friends since young, but things were uncertain when we started to have our own lives and we ignored each other badly! but i thanked God that now, we are back to normal and really wished that we would sustain our friendship till the end! i am happy to have him back in my life....thank you friend ;)

All this makes me smile wide wide and wide just like the star!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Im back!

After long gap, now i have little time to write in colors of my life..time really flies...and so many things around me and i was really busy and sometimes no time for myself! Work is at the max level, MQA auditors are coming very soon, busy with the preparations and so on.. classes starts at the same to look into SCM Night which is really going like a snail, but having trust on my students that they will do well, keeping my fingers cross...
my master project...oh no! really finding time to complete...need to do analysis and interpretation, that needs time...besides that, i was also not feeling well for some time...sigh!!because of all this, i neglected my blog.... hope to have some more time and will update more new stories and more about me here..what else, stay tune;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this it is call Love. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. 

That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Love is roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two." 

Is love important? i told myself, yes it is! even its a temporary madness but the feelings is different! Not everyone understands it, only if you had a love ones to love then you will understand and value it...
and feel love is infinite...

I need to be strong enough to fight and stand still....2011 just started, and its just 2 months, and i feel its a long way for me to travel all alone! journey is very far and will take some time to settle peacefully..
this year is a very tough year for commitment is at the max, my career advancement and also upon completion of my Master degree is another hard one that i am going through now... 

Oh god, give me the strength and courage to continue my journey with your blessings!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Work Work Work

Thinking of work - we need energy, strength, courage, patience and so on..of all we be free from worries and problems than only can concentrate well in work...
Talking about work, perhaps would like to share on my work or would say my profession as lecturer even its very tiring job and loose lots of energy but i just love it!....i love teaching and i spend more of my time in college with students...hmmm students....students....students..... they gave me happiness, they make strong at times, of cause sadness if they never perform well and no matter what i love my students so much....being the head of school or the lecturer in charge as i mention earlier in my first introduction, is not as what i expected! it is a challenging and tough role to play about....but i learn to face the difficulties and people use to help me when i stuck badly in any consequences..... 
the happiness lies in me in this career when i see them growing...developing in front of my eyes...thats the proud i have, thats the moment i wish to see in all my students going up the stage to receive their scrolls...what else! i will shed in tears - tears of joy! i will continue be a good lecturer, good counselor, good friend, a good guidance for SCM students!

Not only students brighten my life, but the people in SCM...we are like one family...its normal in a family we have misunderstanding and conflicts but later on it will be rectified quickly..same in SCM... even thou sometimes we do feel upset, unfair and so on but the love lies in the heart... here the place i learn to be strong, knowing different people with different and unique background...sigh....good experience!  as i said one family we use to have gathering and outings together, thats the best time to know each other and to enjoy the moments which is out of our tune :), haha.....enjoy enjoy but when serious time we use to "kena tembak kaukau" one...but its all a stepping stone:).

I will do my very best in SCM till my last day! ;). 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I don't think we get do good writing unless we are exposed ourself. Deep songs don't come from the surface; they come from the deep down. The poetry and the songs that we are suppose to write, I believe are in your heart. This is feelings i suppose :). 
We usually will have happy feelings, sad feelings, bad feelings, and so on... The most important thing here, we must understand other people's feelings. This is because, as human we must be able to respect people around us then will gain respect as well. In short, as human we must feel empathy for others...If we cant be great human, at least we feel what other feel..Are we ready? Lets pause and think :)

Friday, February 4, 2011


This is what i feel ;). 
Long holidays not that good actually...bored one thing, but had to get ourself ready for work after a long break...sigh! Nothing much i did in this break, was busy with my thesis, doing amendments after being rejected for the first time :(, watching movies at home, sleep all the day, marking papers and etc etc etc....sigh, the same routine job everyday...bored breaks!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Motivation is Important?

Everyone wants and deserves a better life. What do you have to do to develop more self-confidence, better self-esteem and greater internal motivation to be the best? It all starts with how you think.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Simple, about ME ;)

"Start everyday with a smile" thats my favorite quotation in my life...talking about me, well I am a very simple person with a simple background....Being youngest in the family, not really pampered but will always try to be pampered..hehe...Loving parents, having 2 eldest brothers, 1 elder sister and me in the family and looking at them having their own families, hmmmm...when is my turn? haha...long way to go i suppose....

Not only being the youngest in the family but also being aunties to my three nieces and two nephews..Oh no! its not that simple...If they come back, all will jump on me and be so excited i guess to have a small size aunt for them that gives them advantage! haha but the eldest nephew very scared of me, just one look he will keep quiet... my sis always tease him by saying "i am his step mother", he cant accept that...I admit that i am bit strict on him  due to his studies as he is very playful yet will only listen to me...there where i stand in his life ;)...
I do have a sister (was with my family before she got married just like my another sister) is married,now in JB..she is the one who brought me up...hmmm, i still remember when i was in kindergarten, she use to feed me, bath me and prepare me to school..i love her so much..n still take her as the here i have 2 eldest so pampered to her even till today :). she has three lovely kids are also very close to me...wonder how are they now??.....long time didnt contact due to work commitment, sigh....

I thanked God for giving me a family and siblings around that always loves me around but now all are away from me as all have their own families to take care off....left me alone here taking care of my parents....bored being alone but what to do, life has to go on....

After complete my undergraduate from UUM, I got a job in Stamford College Malacca (SCM) as a Lecturer in the year 2008 till now...I love this profession as it was my dream in teaching as being influenced by one my former lecturer...i took her as my role model, her name was Puan Sazrina...wonder how is she now? thank you Puan  :).
In SCM, I had a good friend, we join SCM together..she is Loo Wee Hong...we were like "kembar", that was what my colleagues use to say... after sometime, she left there as got a better offer...again, i was left alone...hmmm, life has to go on, right? :). after one year, i was promoted as Lecturer in Charge for the School of Business for Diploma in Corporate Administration programme...hmmm very challenging post...will     elaborate more later in the other section about my work life, not only on work life but more to share :).

I love people who loves me by accepting me and my character...I am friendly but not that easy to be close to me, muhaha...I will only be close to people that i love and they are meant to my life :). They know me well as time goes...I dont like to get angry, but i get...haha, want try?? better no!... even sometimes, people around makes me upset, i will smile and say "be patient"..."be patient?"...this is also not in me actually, but someone special taught me to be patient, thats where i learn :). who is that someone?? more to know, stay tune ;).